Garrett McLaughlin
Resume GithubSoftware Engineer
Boston, MA
AWS Solutions Architect Professional Certified (2023)
Angular 2+ (Typescript/HTML/CSS/Bootstrap)
Infrastructure as Code (Terraform)
.NET Framework/C# (ASP.NET MVC/Blazor)
SQL (Postgres/Microsoft SQL Server)
Working in agile environments
Developing in linux based systems
SamAI - Your personal robot financial adivsor powered by GPT4. Built on top of Angular, ExpressJS, and AWS serverless. Live here. - Now defunct website where you can create groups and share movies/tv shows/books/podcast recommendations.
Song Clouds - Take any artists song lyrics by scraping the Genius API and utilize a SQLite database to turn them into a word cloud.
Track Trump - Track percentage of r/politics about Trump at any given time using reddit's api, matplotlib, and Raspberry Pi.
To see the code for any of these projects or more of my work visit my Github page.
Full stack role creating/maintaining client and internal facing applications. Assisted building a carbon emissions calculation engine using AWS Glue/Lambda and various other technologies. Worked on front end applications in both Angular 2+ and React and back end applications in .NET and Node. Deployed and maintained AWS infrastructure using Terraform
Responsible for upgrading existing ASP.NET projects to ASP.NET MVC and Blazor, also updating API’s given client requests for specialized information. Received further training in agile software development methodologies.
Worked in an agile based software development team focused on cybersecurity, particularly maintaining access standards across the company. Learned skills in middle tier and front end development using ASP.NET and Angular.
Worked in an IT team managing a network for 1000+ users. Used my skills in Python to improve automation company wide. Also learned skills in systems administration and network install.
Computer Science, B.S.